Returns the segment information of a specified table snapshot. For more information about what is segment in PlaidCloud Lakehouse, see What are Snapshot, Segment, and Block?.
See Also:
SQL Syntax
FUSE_SEGMENT('<database_name>', '<table_name>','<snapshot_id>')
SQL Examples
CREATE TABLE mytable(c int);
INSERT INTO mytable values(1);
INSERT INTO mytable values(2);
-- Obtain a snapshot ID
SELECT snapshot_id FROM FUSE_SNAPSHOT('default', 'mytable') limit 1;
| snapshot_id |
| 82c572947efa476892bd7c0635158ba2 |
SELECT * FROM FUSE_SEGMENT('default', 'mytable', '82c572947efa476892bd7c0635158ba2');
| file_location | format_version | block_count | row_count | bytes_uncompressed | bytes_compressed |
| 1/319/_sg/d35fe7bf99584301b22e8f6a8a9c97f9_v1.json | 1 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 184 |
| 1/319/_sg/c261059d47c840e1b749222dabb4b2bb_v1.json | 1 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 184 |