The suffix -If can be appended to the name of any aggregate function. In this case, the aggregate function accepts an extra argument – a condition.

Analyze Syntax

func.avg_if(<column>, <cond>)

Analyze Examples

func.avg_if(table.salary, table.department=='IT').alias('avg_salary_it')

| avg_salary_it   |
|     65000.0     |

SQL Syntax

AVG_IF(<column>, <cond>)

SQL Examples

Create a Table and Insert Sample Data

CREATE TABLE employees (
  id INT,
  salary INT,
  department VARCHAR

INSERT INTO employees (id, salary, department)
VALUES (1, 50000, 'HR'),
       (2, 60000, 'IT'),
       (3, 55000, 'HR'),
       (4, 70000, 'IT'),
       (5, 65000, 'IT');

Query Demo: Calculate Average Salary for IT Department

SELECT AVG_IF(salary, department = 'IT') AS avg_salary_it
FROM employees;


| avg_salary_it   |
|     65000.0     |