Calculates the arg value for a minimum val value. If there are several different values of arg for minimum values of val, returns the first of these values encountered.

Analyze Syntax


Analyze Examples

func.arg_min(, table.score).alias('student_name')

| student_name |
| Charlie      |

SQL Syntax

ARG_MIN(<arg>, <val>)


<arg>Argument of any data type that PlaidCloud Lakehouse supports
<val>Value of any data type that PlaidCloud Lakehouse supports

Return Type

arg value that corresponds to minimum val value.

matches arg type.

SQL Examples

Let's create a table students with columns id, name, and score, and insert some data:

CREATE TABLE students (
  id INT,
  name VARCHAR,
  score INT

INSERT INTO students (id, name, score) VALUES
  (1, 'Alice', 80),
  (2, 'Bob', 75),
  (3, 'Charlie', 90),
  (4, 'Dave', 80);

Now, we can use ARG_MIN to find the name of the student with the lowest score:

SELECT ARG_MIN(name, score) AS student_name
FROM students;


| student_name |
| Charlie      |