Returns a string consisting of the string str repeated count times. If count is less than 1, returns an empty string. Returns NULL if str or count are NULL.
Analyze Syntax
func.repeat(<str>, <count>)
Analyze Examples
func.repeat(<str>, <count>)
| func.repeat('plaid', 3) |
| plaidplaidplaid |
SQL Syntax
REPEAT(<str>, <count>)
Arguments | Description |
<str> | The string. |
<count> | The number. |
SQL Examples
SELECT REPEAT('databend', 3);
| REPEAT('databend', 3) |
| databenddatabenddatabend |
SELECT REPEAT('databend', 0);
| REPEAT('databend', 0) |
| |
SELECT REPEAT('databend', NULL);
| REPEAT('databend', NULL) |
| NULL |