Truncates a date, time, or timestamp value to a specified precision. For example, if you truncate 2022-07-07 to MONTH, the result will be 2022-07-01; if you truncate 2022-07-07 01:01:01.123456 to SECOND, the result will be 2022-07-07 01:01:01.000000.

Analyze Syntax

func.date_sub(<precision>,  <date_or_time_expr>)

Analyze Examples

func.date_trunc('month', func.to_date('2022-07-07'))
| func.date_trunc('month', func.to_date('2022-07-07')) |
| 2022-07-01                                           |

SQL Syntax

DATE_TRUNC(<precision>, <date_or_time_expr>)


<precision>Must be of the following values: YEAR, QUARTER, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE and SECOND
<date_or_time_expr>A value of DATE or TIMESTAMP type

Return Type

The function returns a value of the same type as the <date_or_time_expr> argument.

SQL Examples

select date_trunc(month, to_date('2022-07-07'));
| date_trunc(month, to_date('2022-07-07')) |
| 2022-07-01                               |