1 - Create Workflow

Create a new workflow in 'Analyze'


Create a new PlaidCloud Analyze workflow.

Workflow to Create

First, select the Project in which the new workflow should be created from the dropdown menu.

Next, type in a workflow name. The name should be unique to the Project.


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2 - Run Workflow

Run an existing workflow


“Run Workflow” runs an existing workflow.

Workflow to Run

First, select the Project which contains the workflow to be run from the Project dropdown menu.

Next, select the particular workflow to be run from the Workflow dropdown menu.

Additionally, there is an option to Wait until processing completes before continuing. Selecting this checkbox will defer execution of the current workflow until the called workflow is completed with its execution. By default, this option is disabled, meaning that the current workflow in which this transform resides will continue processing in parallel along with the called workflow.


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3 - Stop Workflow

Stop an existing, running workflow


“Stop Workflow” stops an existing, running workflow.

Workflow to Stop

First, select the Project which contains the workflow to be stopped from the Project dropdown menu.

Next, select the particular workflow to be stopped from the Workflow dropdown menu.


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4 - Copy Workflow

Make a copy of an existing PlaidCloud Analyze workflow


Make a copy of an existing PlaidCloud Analyze workflow.

Workflow to Copy

First, select the Project which contains the workflow to be copied from the Project dropdown menu.

Next, select the particular workflow to be copied from the Workflow dropdown menu.

Next, enter the new workflow name into the New Workflow field. Remember: the name should be unique to the Project.


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5 - Rename Workflow

Rename an Existing PlaidCloud Analyze Workflow


Rename an existing PlaidCloud Analyze workflow.

Workflow to Rename

First, select the Project which contains the workflow to be renamed from the Project dropdown menu.

Next, select the particular workflow to be renamed from the Workflow dropdown menu.

Finally, enter the new workflow name in the Rename To field. Remember that the name should be unique to the Project.


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6 - Delete Workflow

Delete an existing PlaidCloud Analyze workflow


Delete an existing PlaidCloud Analyze workflow.

Workflow to Delete

First, select the Project which contains the workflow to be deleted from the Project dropdown menu.

Next, select the particular workflow to be deleted from the Workflow dropdown menu.


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7 - Set Project Variable

Set a project variable for use during a workflow


“Set Project Variable” sets project variables for use during the workflow. A variable name and value may contain any combination of valid characters, including spaces. Variables are referenced within the workflow by placing them inside curly braces. For example, a_variable is referenced within a transform as {a_variable} so it could be used in something like a formula or field value (e.g., {a_variable} * 2).

Variable List

The table will display the list of registered project variables and the current values. Enter the value for the variable desired. It’s also possible to set variable values without registering the variable first by simply adding the variable to the list.


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8 - Set Workflow Variable

Set variables during a workflow


“Set Workflow Variable” sets workflow variables for use during the workflow. A variable name and value may contain any combination of valid characters, including spaces. Variables are referenced within the workflow by placing them inside curly braces. For example, a_variable is referenced within a transform as {a_variable} so it could be used in something like a formula or field value (e.g. {a_variable} * 2).

Variable List

The table will display the list of registered workflow variables and the current values. Enter the value for the variable desired. It’s also possible to set variable values without registering the variable first by simply adding the variable to the list.


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9 - Worklow Loop

Runs a workflow looping over a dataset as Project variables


Loops over a dataset and runs a specific workflow using the values of the looping dataset as Project variables.

Workflow to Stop

First, select the Project which contains the workflow that will be run on each loop from the Project dropdown menu.

Next, select the particular workflow for running from the Workflow dropdown menu.


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10 - Raise Workflow Error

Raises an error in a workflow


Raise an error in a PlaidCloud Analyze workflow.

Raise Workflow Error

Mainly for use with step conditions, the step can be set to execute if conditions are met and raise an error within the workflow

11 - Clear Workflow Log

Clear the Log from an existing PlaidCloud 'Analyze' Workflow


Clear the log from an existing PlaidCloud Analyze workflow.

Workflow Log to Clear

First, select the Project which contains the workflow log to be cleared from the Project dropdown menu.

Next, select the particular workflow log to be cleared from the Workflow dropdown menu.