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1 - Create SAP PCM Model
Creates a blank SAP Profitability and Cost Management (PCM) model.
Our Credentials
Tartan Solutions is an official SAP Partner and a preferred vendor of services related to SAP PCM model design and implementation.
Select Agent to Use from the dropdown. Enter “Model Name” and select “Model type” from the dropdown (both of which are in the “Model Information” section). Check the “Wait for Copy to Complete” check box, then click “Save and Run Step”.
2 - Delete SAP PCM Model
Deletes SAP Profitability and Cost Management (PCM) models matching the search criteria. Deleting models using this transform allows deletion of many models without having to monitor the process.
Our Credentials
Tartan Solutions is an official SAP Partner and a preferred vendor of services related to SAP PCM model design and implementation.
Select “Agent to Use” from the dropdown. Select your desired “Model Search Method”. For this example, we’ve selected “Exact Match”. Enter “Model Search Text” (what you are looking for) under “Model Name Information” and decide if the search is case sensitive or not (if so, check the check box). Finally, check the “Wait for Deletion to Complete” and click “Save and Run Step”.
3 - Calculate PCM Model
Starts SAP Profitability and Cost Management (PCM) model calculation process.
Our Credentials
Tartan Solutions is an official SAP Partner and a preferred vendor of services related to SAP PCM model design and implementation.
Select Agent to Use from the dropdown, enter model name in the “Model Name” field, click the “Wait for Calculation to Complete” check box (if desired), then click “Save and Run Step”.
4 - Copy SAP PCM Model
Copies an SAP Profitability and Cost Management (PCM) model.
Our Credentials
Tartan Solutions is an official SAP Partner and a preferred vendor of services related to SAP PCM model design and implementation.
Select Agent to Use from the dropdown, enter “From Model Name” and “To Model Name” in the “Model Information” field, click the “Wait for Copy to Complete” check box, then click “Save and Run Step”.
5 - Copy SAP PCM Period
Copies an SAP Profitability and Cost Management (PCM) model period within the same model.
Our Credentials
Tartan Solutions is an official SAP Partner and a preferred vendor of services related to SAP PCM model design and implementation.
Select Agent to Use from the dropdown, enter “Model Name”, “From Period Name” and “To Period Name” in the “Model Information” field. Click the “Wait for Copy to Complete” check box, then click “Save and Run Step”.
6 - Copy SAP PCM Version
Copies an SAP Profitability and Cost Management (PCM) model version within the same model.
Our Credentials
Tartan Solutions is an official SAP Partner and a preferred vendor of services related to SAP PCM model design and implementation.
Select Agent to Use from the dropdown, enter “Model Name”, “Origin Period Name”, and “Destination Period Name” in the “Model Information” field. Click the “Wait for Copy to Complete” check box, then click “Save and Run Step”.
7 - Rename SAP PCM Model
Renames an SAP Profitability and Cost Management (PCM) model.
Our Credentials
Tartan Solutions is an official SAP Partner and a preferred vendor of services related to SAP PCM model design and implementation.
Select Agent to Use from the dropdown, enter “From Model Name” and “To Model Name” in the “Model Information” field, click the “Wait for Copy to Complete” check box, then click “Save and Run Step”.
8 - Run SAP PCM Console Job
Launches an SAP Profitability and Cost Management (PCM) Console process on the PCM server.
Our Credentials
Tartan Solutions is an official SAP Partner and a preferred vendor of services related to SAP PCM model design and implementation.
Select Agent to Use from the dropdown, enter console file path in the “Console File Path” field, click the “Wait for Console Job to Complete” check box (if desired), then click “Save and Run Step”.
9 - Run SAP PCM Hyper Loader
Loads an SAP Profitability and Cost Management (PCM) model using direct table loads. This process is significantly faster than Databridge. The Hyper Loader supports virtually all of the current PCM data, assignment, and structure tables.
This is the current list of available loading targets:
- Activity Aliases
- Activity Dimensional Hierarchy
- Activity Driver Aliases
- Activity Driver Dimensional Hierarchy
- Activity Driver Value
- BOM Default Makeup
- BOM External Unit Rate
- BOM Makeup
- BOM Production Volume
- BOM Units Sold
- Cost Object 1 Aliases
- Cost Object 1 Dimensional Hierarchy
- Cost Object 2 Aliases
- Cost Object 2 Dimensional Hierarchy
- Cost Object 3 Aliases
- Cost Object 3 Dimensional Hierarchy
- Cost Object 4 Aliases
- Cost Object 4 Dimensional Hierarchy
- Cost Object 5 Aliases
- Cost Object 5 Dimensional Hierarchy
- Cost Object Assignment
- Cost Object Driver
- Line Item Aliases
- Line Item Detail Aliases
- Line Item Detail Dimensional Hierarchy
- Line Item Detail Value
- Line Item Dimensional Hierarchy
- Line Item Direct Activity Assignment
- Line Item Resource Driver Assignment
- Line Item Value
- Period Aliases
- Period Dimensional Hierarchy
- Resource Driver Aliases
- Resource Driver Dimensional Hierarchy
- Resource Driver Split
- Resource Driver Value
- Responsibility Center Aliases
- Responsibility Center Dimensional Hierarchy
- Revenue
- Revenue Aliases
- Revenue Dimensional Hierarchy
- Service Aliases
- Service Dimensional Hierarchy
- Spread Aliases
- Spread Dimensional Hierarchy
- Spread Value
- Version Aliases
- Version Dimensional Hierarchy
- Worksheet 1 Aliases
- Worksheet 1 Dimensional Hierarchy
- Worksheet 2 Aliases
- Worksheet 2 Dimensional Hierarchy
- Worksheet Value
Our Credentials
Tartan Solutions is an official SAP Partner and a preferred vendor of services related to SAP PCM model design and implementation.
Select Agent to Use from the dropdown. Enter model name and select the load package storage path location, then select the child folder desired from within. Use the Table Data Selection below to select the source table model and the target load table. Inspect source>>propagate both sides of the table will reveal the data. Click “Save and Run Step” when the data is entered and you have added any expressions.
10 - Stop PCM Model Calculation
Stops an SAP Profitability and Cost Management (PCM) model calculation process.
Our Credentials
Tartan Solutions is an official SAP Partner and a preferred vendor of services related to SAP PCM model design and implementation.
Select Agent to Use from the dropdown, enter “Model Name”, click the “Wait for Copy to Complete” check box, then click “Save and Run Step”.